Robert Pattinson Feels Christmas Is Stupid!

22nd December 2010

December 22, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Robert Pattinson does not like Christmas but not because of the fact that he will not get to spend the day with his rumored girlfriend Kristen Stewart. In fact we are not talking about our very favorite actor Robert Pattinson, but of the impersonation that Jimmy Fallon loves to stage on his chat show Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. In the latest edition of Bothered, Jimmy Fallon sticks to his favorite personality Rob Pattz sitting on the branches of a tree holding in his hand his favorite black book and voicing his hatred for the Christmas season.

Jimmy Fallons Robert Pattinson is angry because he has to shop for gifts for people who he does not really like, and it is not only the people who bother him but also the high price tags of the gifts, the lack of parking space in shopping areas and the time spent uselessly behind Christmas shopping! For Robert Pattinson in Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Christmas also means singing and listening to the same old carols over and over again, something which he really hates doing.

In spite of all the jabs, Rob Pattz does make it a point to gift DVDs of his films to a doll who enters the stage on being summoned as honey. Though Robert Pattinson has become his favored impersonation in the recent episodes of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, the talk show host has often spoken about his disgust for celebrations especially Valentines Day, Halloween and even the World Cup.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Kristen Stewart,