Russell Brand: Guns are fun

19th June 2012

Russell Brand "felt like John Wayne" when he was firing guns.

The British comedian became a fan of artillery when he moved to Los Angeles, as gun ownership is legal in the US.

Against the pleas of his mother Barbara to stay far away from weapons, Russell decided to buy a gun.

The star is happy with his purchase.

"I've been learning to fire guns. My mother said, Don't learn to fire guns, Russell.' Well, I've learnt and now I've got one," he told British newspaper The Sun. "To be honest guns are fun. When I was learning I was firing all over the place obviously not at people but I was hitting all these targets. I felt like John Wayne."

Russell acknowledges that he still isn't the best shooter behind the barrel.

"I mean, me, own a gun? I shouldn't really have access to hair gel but I can fire a gun if I need to," he joked.

Tags: Russell Brand,