Russell Brand: Teach kids about sexy Shakespeare

22nd February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Russell Brand wishes more young people knew that William Shakespeare plays are about sex and violence.

The comic star is currently promoting new movie The Tempest, in which he plays Trinculo. Russell studied several stories written by the legendary British playwright when he was at school, but didnt realise how exciting and risqu they were. He wants teachers to capture the attention of students by explaining the stimulating themes often explored by Shakespeare.

I studied Shakespeare at school, yes. I think sometimes in British schools they kind of thrust it upon you I had some good teachers in my school, I dont want to put it down but the way Shakespeare is presented to you it just seems dense, Russell said in an interview with British television show Daybreak. If they said to you this is about sex and violence and in the time when it was written it was a very bawdy form of entertainment - like you could go to a public execution or see a Shakespeare play. Also its not meant to be read, its meant to be performed and thats why its really great to see it in this format. Julie Taymor [director] has done such a good job, its so visceral and the funny bits are funny and the dramatic bits are intense.

Russell has even compared the stars of the movie to the hit vampire franchise Twilight. He hopes The Tempest will attract a younger audience because it is exciting and fast-paced and features a cast of attractive stars.

There are really good looking kids in it, like Reeve Carney that young lad is gorgeous and the girl he is opposite, Felicity [Jones]. They are people that have the sort of qualities that Twilight stars have, he added. Then you have the gravitas of Dame Helen, but she rejects that title whenever I give it to her. She is just so cool, she is a bird from Essex deep down, but she is also Dame Helen Mirren.

The 35-year-old actor admits he was in awe of Helen when they first met, but he soon became one of her biggest fans. Russell loved working with the Oscar-winning actress because she was so relaxed and funny.

I was frightened before I met her, it made me talk a bit different and my breathing changed, he confessed. But a lot of those kind of people know you are going to be nervous so they are good at putting you at ease. She is wonderful; I am infatuated with her to a healthy degree. I have not stolen any of her things, Im not like, I just need a keepsake, if I could just have a wisp of her hair. (C) Cover Media
