Ryan Reynolds: Vegan shoes are a no-no

15th July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ryan Reynolds could never "bring himself" to wear vegan shoes.

The actor prides himself on his knowledge of environment issues and works hard to ensure he recycles. His car is electric too, but no matter how seriously he takes being green, there are some things he's just not prepared to consider.

"I am very green! I have solar panels all over my house, I re-use water, I have a compost heap," he explained. "I grew up in a household that was incredibly motivated to give a little bit back in terms of the environment so it's always come naturally to me. The only area where I do fall down a little bit is clothes I could never bring myself to wear vegan slippers. So sue me."

Ryan shares his home with his dog Baxter, who is his best friend. The Hollywood icon loves going for long walks with the pooch, who he got from a rescue organisation in Houston.

"He's sort of half Golden Retriever and half Collie or something like that," he told Company magazine. "He makes everything great in my world right now, I just wake up with that guy and I feel happy."

Ryan's divorce from Scarlett Johansson was finalised recently, and he's now rumoured to be in a relationship with Charlize Theron. (C) Cover Media
