Seal: Musicians should be special

11th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Seal finds it ridiculous that people think he holds the secret key to musical success.

The singer has released many albums over his lengthy career, the most recent of which is out now and is called Commitment. Seal worked hard for his success, and although he doesnt mind television talent shows which make instant stars of musicians he thinks they send out the wrong idea.

Ive been involved in a couple where they have asked me on as a mentor... I cant think why. Its ridiculous, like I hold the secret key to it all, which I dont, he said. I think theyre good entertainment for the most part but Im not sure if you have true superstars which have emerged from that kind of format. Rock star or superstar by committee Im not sure.

The 47-year-old raises four kids with his wife Heidi Klum, and wants them to grow up to be grounded individuals. He worries that singing contests make children think they can realise their dreams without really trying.

If its taken outside of the fact that its just really good entertainment then it can homogenise the industry, I dont think you can have a superstar by committee. There has to be a healthy amount of mystique and distance, he told the BBC. Which sounds ironic in this age of social media but I really believe that in order for... superstars represent dreams and aspiration for young people and in order to maintain that there has to be this feeling of reaching. (C) Cover Media
