Sean Penn Prefers Haiti To Dubai International Film Festival

13th December 2010


December 13, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The Academy Award winning Hollywood star Sean Penn has shown his humanitarian side recently by announcing that he would not be able to attend the privileged Dubai International Film Festival because the earthquake affected Haiti needs him more.

The 50-year-old star was supposed to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF). The fans of the actor were looking forward to interact with their favorite star. However, the organizers have now announced to refund the ticket money or offer the ticket for next festival, whatever is suitable to the fans.

The actor said that he was bound to cancel the DIFF plan since his staffs of the J/P Haitian Relief Organization, wanted him to be there. He said that he felt honored to be invited by DIFF and wanted to be a part of it.

Penn added that the situation in Haiti has worsened unexpectedly and the safety of his staff has become the most important thing now. Since last week, the Haitian capital has become standstill following the protests over a disputed presidential election. Sean said that he would love to attend the festival in future.

It shows how dedicated the actor is towards that noble cause. No one will complain about him giving the festival a miss this time. We wish safety of his staff and other people in Haiti.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Sean Penn,