Seth Rogen: Marijuana helps me work

30th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Seth Rogen believes smoking marijuana "makes him work better".

Seth is a multitalented man. The 29-year-old is a comedian, writer, producer and actor.

Seth credits much of his ambition to the benefits of using pot.

"I smoke a lot of weed when I write, generally speaking," Seth told MTV News.

"I don't know if it helps me write. It makes me not mind that I'm writing. And I don't know if it makes me work better, but it makes me not care that I'm working. Who wants to work? But if you're stoned, it doesn't seem like work."

Marijuana features heavily in Seth's newest film 50/50. The comedy starring Seth and Joseph Gordon-Levitt follows a terminally ill young man who teams up with his best friend to use and acquire an abundance of medical marijuana.

Seth is convinced that smoking pot is a commonplace activity. The actor believes that many people like to get high.

"I think a lot of people smoke weed," Seth said.

"I think way more people smoke weed than the media likes to acknowledge. Maybe it's just the people I'm around, but I don't think so. Pretty much everyone that I know smokes weed sometimes with the exception of my parents."

Seth considers himself to be either a gateway to the use of the marijuana or a resounding exit from the activity. There are no half measures when it comes to smoking pot with Seth.

"I either get people started smoking weed or I put them out of business smoking weed. I'm either your first or last," Seth said.

50/50 will be released in the US this weekend. (C) Cover Media
