Snooki is a Lindsay Lohan wannabe!

10th September 2010

September 10, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Snooki is one of the popular reality TV stars of America and she is well known for her outrageous behavior in the past as well. The star from the wildly popular MTV reality TV show "Jersey Shore" got busted recently for her drunken misbehavior that appalled beach goers.

Snooki got off the case with relative ease and did not get much of a sentence for her offense at all. As Snooki stood before the judge for her sentencing, the judge made sure that she learnt her lesson. What the judge said caught Snooki off-guard.

Judge Damian Murray was not ready to let Snooki go without a good reprimanding and he said "You seem to be acting like a Lindsay Lohan wannabe". The all black clad reality starlet was chastised by the Judge's comments. The judge told Snooki "Going through life rude, profane, obnoxious, and self-indulgent is not the way you want to go through life."

Although Snooki was shocked by the judge's scathing remarks, the judge was not quite done yet, he went on to question if Snooki's offence was a scripted going to win publicity for the show. The Judge said that he suspects Snooki is a puppet at the hands of the show's producers and creators, who can go to any length to get publicity. We hope Snooki learns her lesson and mends her ways after this incident.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Lindsay Lohan,