Steve Carell: I'm a gem

29th June 2012

Steve Carell enjoys being a good Samaritan.

The 49-year-old Seeking a Friend for the End of the World actor-and-comedian delights in performing charitable deeds.

Recently Steve found it impossible to resist helping out fellow motorists while he was driving.

"I got out of my car at an intersection to move the bumper of a car that had fallen in the street and was sitting there. I put it to the side so nobody would hit it," he told People magazine.

"I'm just such a gem."

The star is father to two children with his wife Nancy.

Steve admits that sometimes he is forgetful around the house.

"[The last time I said sorry was] when I didn't remember to pick up my [11-year-old daughter Elisabeth's] medicine after a birthday party," he recalled. "My wife had to remind me about five times to do it. She was very forgiving, but I did utter the words I'm sorry'."

Steve hopes to make up for his occasional poor memory by offering special gifts to his brood.

"I built a chicken head modeled after a Minecraft character for my son John's eighth birthday," he shared. "They don't make them, so I decided to do it myself, and it turned out great. He was so surprised. That was a complete labour of love."

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