The Rock gives dating advice

3rd February 2012

The Rock can't promise bouncing something off your pecs will result in "the horizontal hula" with a woman, but it will get her attention.

The actor-and-wrestler's new movie is called Journey 2: The Mysterious Island and sees a boy searching for his grandfather who is thought to have vanished on a mythical island.

The film is in 3D and in one memorable scene a berry hurtles into the audience after bouncing off The Rock's meaty chest muscle. The sequence sees the star jiggling his impressive top half, in what has become known as The Pec Pop of Love.

"It is proven. Not everyone can do it, because, let's face it, it's a gift. But it will get the attention of a woman anywhere around the world," he boasted. "Now, I'm not saying that that sh*t works. I am saying that it will get her attention. What comes out of your mouth next is going to be the determining factor of whether or not you're gonna do the horizontal hula with her."

The Rock real name Dwayne Johnson - is intensely proud that his pecs have such a prominent role in the film. He thinks he has paved the way for a whole new kind of 3D.

"It's what I do I break ground. I trailblaze. I make history in 3D," he joked to British newspaper The Guardian.

"I was on a plane with one of our producers and I thought, Gosh, we have all these visually incredible scenes. How can I utilise my body in a way that we've never seen before?..Then I thought what if I make my pecs and, for the record, not man boobs.. they're called pecs bounce into the audience? My producer was eating peanuts and he says, I got it. What if a character bounces berries off your pecs into the audience?' and I said, That's brilliant! Then we'll do rapid-fire, so we'll have multiple berries bouncing off my pecs into the faces of the audience!' And then with that, my friend, comes making history."

The Rock sings and plays the ukulele during one scene in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. He knows many will be amazed by his musical talent and has hinted it isn't the last people will hear of his sweet tones.

"It looks that way," he said, when asked if he's planning an album. "It just looks that way. I'm going down that road, and I'm going to get nominated for a Grammy, and then I will be on the stage and thanking everyone. I will also thank you for bringing the album up I'm only kidding."
