Women Lingerie: Tremendous Rise In Sales, Great Boost For Economy

30th November 2010



November 30, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):Lingerie are an essential part of a womans wardrobe. The fact that this little bare essential has evolved from being just a bare essential to one of the most fashionable items of a womans closet is a visible change witnessed all over the world.


This little piece of essential thing has evolved to great heights creating a major market in this segment with big brands investing heavily in bringing out more and more innovation in it all over the world.

Recent reports suggest that the sale of lingerie has boomed to such a large extent all over the world that major brands are depending on a great boost to their economy depending only on womens lingerie.

The main reason for this item to become such a rage is that many celebrities are on the magazine covers showing them in great patterns and colors, thereby making every woman on the streets to want to look and feel special.

UGS have become such integral part of dressing up that it has started to be counted amongst the most important items in any womans closet, making it a very lucrative item to sell for everybody even remotely connected in the business.

Well, as long as the boom keeps everyone happy, it is a win -win situation for all, after all who wouldnt want a great piece of lingerie to go with a great looking outfit every day? Even if it means spending a fortune on it? As for the businessmen, they are having the last laugh while laughing all the way to the bank!

--Sampurn Wire

