Zoe Saldana impatient for Avatar 2

23rd May 2011

(Cover) - EN Movies - Zoe Saldana says Avatar 2 will be "amazing" because director James Cameron takes so much time to perfect a movie script.

The 32-year-old actress played Na'vi alien Neytiri in James' 2009 sci-fi epic and can't wait to start work on a sequel. She adored every aspect of the role, and has been pestering James for some inside information on the storyline for the next instalment. James is refusing to give anything away and even though Zoe is feeling frustrated she knows it will be worth the wait.

"For Avatar you get this sense that because we have seen the way it has played out in our human civilisation every time you fight against a system that is ruled by greed, they will always come back bigger and stronger because you have what they need to feed their power. So I don't know if Jim is going to cater to that or if he is going to have an interesting twist. My guess is that he will have a combination of both," Zoe said during an interview with Empire Online. "Either way it is going to be amazing. He stays silent on the whole thing, even when you like corner him and say, Dude, what is going on?' Jim is like, It needs to have heart and I am not going to release it until I am ready and I feel confident about it. And once it is ready I want you to read it and I want you to tell me what you think because I want to be respectful to you and your character. And I want to marry all these things together.'"

Zoe also spoke about the new Star Trek film, which will be directed by J.J. Abrams. A script is yet to be written for the movie, but Zoe who played Uhura in the 2009 picture hopes she will be given the opportunity to take part in several fight scenes.

"I can maybe tell you for what I'd like to see happen [which is] for Spock and see Uhura to really hook up. For Uhura to do some physical activities and kick some Romulan butt," she laughed. "I asked J.J. about it and he is like, What do you mean? We are writing the script and it will be ready when it's ready and it's going to be amazing and you are going to love it.'" (C) Cover Media
