Adam Lambert wants constructive criticism

13th July 2012

Adam Lambert says people who slam him online are "wasting their energy".

The singer found fame on American Idol, but his blend of goth looks and pop voice isn't for everyone.

He has hardened himself against the mean things being written about him on websites.

"Internet comment sections are not real life. When folks are able to remain anonymous, they waste their energy by hating others to make themselves feel better about their uneventful lives," said Adam.

"When you realise that most of the negativity is bred out of loneliness, boredom and insecurity, it doesn't hurt quite as bad."

Adam doesn't mind if people offer his constructive criticism.

Although Simon Cowell is sometimes rude to people who appear on his TV talent shows, the singer insists that his approach is a good thing.

"I found him amusing and helpful. Y'know, he tends to wear a bit of a smirk when he tries to stir the pot. And his honesty was refreshing," Adam said.

Adam has recently been rumoured to be joining the judging panel of American Idol, following the departure of Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez.
