Nicole Richie: I need criticism

21st September 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Nicole Richie "needs to hear criticism" to know people are being honest with her.

The reality TV star-turned-designer explained how she has managed to make a successful career out of her interest in fashion.

The style icon claims the secret to succeeding as a designer is not to be afraid of hearing other people's opinions - even if they strike a nerve.

"Always be open to criticism," Nicole advised to the October edition of Du Jour magazine. "Criticism is the best thing you can ever get because it's someone's honest opinion - you need to hear it. What's the point of hearing how great you are all the time?"

The mother-of-two manages to juggle her two successful clothing lines along with her commitments as a mentor on TV show Fashion Star. The 30-year-old believes she is only living her life the way many other American women are, by multi-tasking their roles as wives, mothers and successful career women.

"It's an interesting time right now, because women aren't doing just one thing," Nicole continued.

"We're wearing many hats, taking on different roles. That's just how the modern American woman is today." (C) Cover Media
