Amy Winehouse leaves 3 million fortune

28th March 2012

Amy Winehouse was worth over 4 million when she died, it is reported.

The Back to Black singer passed away at the age of 27 last July after a long battle with substance abuse and alcohol.

But Britain's The Sun newspaper says the Rehab star's fortune will go to her parents Mitch and Janis according to probate documents.

Amy had over 4,257,580 in assets when she died and after tax and bills have been taken it out it brings the total down to 2,944,544.

Amy had apparently not left any provisions for when she died and her ex-husband Blake Fielder Civil, who she divorced in 2009, will not be entitled to any of the money.

"There aren't many 27-year-olds that make a will and Amy didn't either," a friend told the publication.

"She had no idea how much money she had and it certainly wasn't the top of her priority list.

"Had she made a will, Blake may well have been left something not cash, perhaps an investment. Amy still loved him when she died.

"The way things are, Mitch and Janis have been handed the estate. They're sensible and shrewd so it's probably for the best Blake didn't get anything."
