Anne Hathaway: I empathise with Lindsay Lohan

28th February 2012

Anne Hathaway says she has "more in common" with Lindsay Lohan than people would guess.

The 29-year-old actress has a squeaky clean girl-next-door persona, but Anne tells Britain's The Sun newspaper that she has a naughty streak too.

The newly engaged starlet told the publication that she understands some of the pitfalls that the Mean Girls star has been through.

"Lindsay Lohan and I have more in common than people think," The Dark Knight Rises star said.

"We've all done things we shouldn't. It is just that I did stuff at college when nobody knew about it, so I'm not a saint. I wasted time doing self-destructive things."

"I found you can only dance on so many table tops. I got all that out of my system and I am healthy and grounded."

Anne got engaged to Adam Shulman last year and as she enters this new phase of her life, she takes with her a few life lessons her mother taught her.

"My mother, Kate McCauley, taught me to be always understanding of other people and to have a sense of humour about yourself," Anne shared.

"Mom has also encouraged me not to be one of those people who worry about weight. I know when people refer to me as a regular' girl, that is a code word for fat' in Hollywood.

"It is completely understandable, as a teenager, to fret about your body. It is scary, because you don't know how it is going to end up.

"But I'm not a teenager anymore and my body has chosen its shape. I would rather be strong than skinny."

Tags: Anne Hathaway, Lindsay Lohan,