Anne Hathaway: I look like an alien when nude

20th December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Anne Hathaway has teased that she thought people would be reminded of the movie Total Recall when they saw her nude scenes.

The 28-year-old actress shot some famously racy loves scenes opposite Jake Gyllenhaal in romantic drama Love and Other Drugs, which tells a love story set to the backdrop of the pharmaceutical industrys development.

Anne has previously spoken about how comfortable she is shooting sex scenes, although she has now joked that she feared people would think she looked like an alien when she was topless.

The beautiful star laughed that people might be reminded of 1990 science-fiction film Total Recall - which follows a man on a trip to planet Mars - when they saw her nude.

I was more concerned that people were gonna be reminded of Total Recall, she laughingly told Cover Media of the sex scenes.

Annes co-star Jake joined in with the joke, teasing that she actually has six breasts. Not wanting to be outwitted, Anne then poked fun back at Jake by claiming his chest area is even more unusual than hers.

I dont even wanna talk about how many breasts you have Jake, I thought we were keeping that private, she quipped. (C) Cover Media
