Duke and Duchess file nude photo complaint

14th September 2012

Britain's Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have officially filed a complaint against French magazine Closer, it has been confirmed.

The publication printed topless pictures of Catherine Middleton while enjoying a holiday in Provence last week with her husband Prince William.

Long-lens shots of the brunette beauty were taken beside a private swimming pool, and the pictures were published much to the anger and disappointment of the palace.

The British royal family is now seeking justice.

They have apparently filed a claim with French judicial court Tribunal de Grande Instance, claiming that photographing and distributing the images were a violation of privacy.

"The complaint is about a breach of private life, and the complainants are Prince William and the Duchess. A first hearing will be held at Nanterre TGI on Monday, in the late afternoon," a source told British newspaper The Daily Mail.

"They will not have to attend, but a Paris barrister will be representing them, along with other members of their legal team."

If prosecuted, all parties involved in the scandal could face dire consequences.

"It means that Laurence Pieau, the editor of Closer, and the photographers involved in taking the pictures, could receive a year in prison and a maximum fine of 45,000 euros," the source explained.

"However, Mrs Pieau insisted that she would fight any legal action, saying: These photos are not in the least bit shocking.' "
