Anne Hathaway: Jake helped me relax

20th December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Anne Hathaway has praised Jake Gyllenhaal for showing her how fun movie-making can be.

The two stars appear in Love and Other Drugs together, which is released in the UK later this month. They play a couple who fall in love, and had a lot of fun on set. Anna admits she is usually too busy ensuring she gives the best performance possible to really enjoy the process of shooting films, something she has vowed to change.

Jake is adorable, smart, charming and funny. We were only together for two weeks on Brokeback Mountain, but on this film is was months. He had a major effect on me, because Im usually very focused about work I take it all too seriously, she explained. Jakes different he knew his lines but he still had a laugh. That threw me at the beginning but, the more I loosened up, the better our chemistry became. I realised you can have a good time on set.

Much has been made of the raunchy nature of Love and Other Drugs, which includes several sex scenes. Anne isnt worried about peoples reactions to them though, and is even happy for her parents to watch them.

She had a relaxed upbringing, and is looking forward to seeing whether her mother and father practice what they preached. Im comfortable with my naked body and my parents let me watch movies with nudity as a kid. They have to stick by their own lessons! she laughed to Company magazine. A lot of people are actually very comfortable with sex and their bodies Im excited about portraying a girl who isnt ashamed of anything. (C) Cover Media
