Benedict Cumberbatch: My kidnap terror

12th January 2012

Benedict Cumberbatch has discussed how he survived a terrifying kidnap drama in South Africa.

The British actor talked his way out of the ordeal by convincing a gang of criminals to keep him alive.

The War Horse star recalled how his car was attacked by six men when he was visiting the country to film TV mini-series To the Ends of the Earth.

"They said, Put your hands on your head, don't look at us,' and were frisking us for drugs, money, weapons. Then they bundled us into the car," he told British newspaper The Daily Star.

"I could see the headlight beams bumping over the dirt track and I thought of shallow graves. By the end of the night I was tied up next to Denise Black, actress. [They forced me into the boot] But I argued my way out. I said, If you leave me in here, it's not the lack of air, it's the small space. There's a problem with my heart and my brain.' I just tried to explain to them, I will die, possibly have a fit, and it will be a problem for you. I will be a dead Englishman in your car. Not good.' They shut the boot and had an argument, and then pulled me out."

Benedict explained how grateful he is to be still alive and how the attack has changed his overall outlook.

The 35-year-old said the ordeal has inspired him to lead a more exciting lifestyle.

"I kind of thank God I had the presence of mind to give them the idea that it would be better to keep me alive. And the other two hadn't been harmed," he said. "It taught me that you come into this world as you leave it, on your own. It's made me want to live a life slightly less ordinary."

Tags: Benedict Cumberbatch,