Charlize Theron: I didn't understand school boys

29th November 2011

Charlize Theron admits she was "disillusioned" about boys in school.

In her latest film, Young Adult, the stunning actress plays a mean woman who used to be the most pretty and popular girl in class.

However, Charlize revealed that in actuality she had no luck with boys at high school.

"I had a massive, massive crush on this one guy. He was a couple of years older than me and I did not exist in his world," she told ET Online. "I was in a way like Mavis [her character in the film], so disillusioned in it that I thought he was going to ask me to this dance. So much so that I told my mom I needed a dress and she went and got me a dress for the dance and the guy never asked me and I was completely disillusioned... it never happened."

Writer of the new movie, Diablo Cody, is known for her quirky comedies about high school outsiders such as Juno and Jennifer's Body.

However, Diablo was actually prom queen at her school. But the Oscar-winner insists that she wasn't a stereotypical mean girl.

"The kids were kind of offbeat so it wasn't that much of a stretch for someone like me to be the prom queen," she explained. "At most American high schools the prom queen is the prettiest girl who has her nose in the air."

Tags: Charlize Theron,