Chris Brown riled by Rihanna questions

22nd March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Chris Brown was allegedly so angry after being quizzed about his ex-girlfriend Rihanna on TV this morning he smashed a window backstage.

The American star punched, kicked and bit his then-girlfriend in his rented car during an argument in 2009. He was sentenced to five years' probation and six months' community labour and also had to take domestic violence classes and stay away from the Barbados-born singer.

Following the altercation Chris receded from public life, while radio stations refused to play his music and stores wouldnt stock his records.

He has since been praised by the judge handling his case for making such good progress, while Rihanna recently agreed for the restraining order against him to be lessened.

Chris is currently promoting his new record F.A.M.E. and appeared on Good Morning America earlier today to perform a track from it. According to gossip website TMZ he became annoyed when journalist Robin Roberts repeatedly asked him about the assault during a live interview from Times Square. The 21-year-old tried to steer the line of questioning back to his music, but Robin continued to quiz him about his legal troubles.

Chris Brown exploded in rage behind the scenes at Good Morning America this morning... smashing a window and storming out without a shirt... sources tell TMZ... and it was triggered by on-air questions about the Rihanna incident, reports the site.

We're told after the interview, Brown freaked out, storming into his dressing room and screaming so loud, the people in hair and make-up became alarmed and called security.

It is alleged he broke a window in his dressing room, sending pieces of glass tumbling onto the street below.

Security eventually made it to the area, but Chris had reportedly already left. According to the source he had planned to do a special performance for network ABCs website, but this was scrapped.

He is said to have made his annoyance known to one of the shows producers as he left, causing some other staff to step in to calm tempers.

This morning, Chris posted an angry message on Twitter criticising people who wont let him move on with his life.

I'm so over people bringing this past sh*t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bullsh*t (sic)," he wrote, in a post which has since been deleted.

The star appeared to calm down ten minutes later, penning a direct message to those who buy his records. "All my fans!!! This album is for you and only you!!! I'm so tired of everyone else!! Honestly!! I love team breezy (sic)!!" Chris said. (C) Cover Media
