Daniel Radcliffe considers fatherhood

31st January 2012

Daniel Radcliffe thinks having children would make him "immeasurably happier".

The British star has been dating Rosanne Corker for around 18 months and they are both certain they will grow old together.

Daniel has spoken about how much he would love to become a father in the past, but at 22 he isn't ready to take the plunge just yet.

"We both want the same things. But we also know it would be ridiculous any time soon. I always wanted to have kids young, but also thought, That's going to be hard work.' I've seen a lot of very good friends have kids and become immeasurably happier, but very tired," he explained to the March edition of UK Glamour magazine. "Kids are the single greatest, fulfilling thing I've seen happen to people. But we've got a lot of fun times ahead before that happens. I have a lot of youthful enthusiasm left, I promise."

Daniel couldn't be happier with Rosanne, even though he knows many people would find their day-to-day life dull.

The Harry Potter star was never comfortable on the dating scene so is pleased he's found his perfect partner.

"There's this tremendous pressure on young people to go out, get drunk and be promiscuous, and if you're good at that that's totally cool do it and have as much fun as you want. But I wasn't good at it, I wasn't having fun, and there is no shame in a quiet life," he explained. "I'm happy sitting at home watching TV, laughing, with somebody that I love. That's my idea of fun."

Tags: Daniel Radcliffe,