Edie Falco discusses adoption

12th April 2012

Edie Falco had no qualms about adopting children on her own because she knew the time was right.

The Sopranos actress raises son Anderson and daughter Macy, both of who are adopted.

The 48-year-old opened her home to Anderson in 2005 and Macy three years later and has never looked back.

"At that time I was single and the idea to adopt came to me," she told talk show host Anderson Cooper.

"I just knew at a certain point it was time to raise kids."

Edie has no problem with discussing family life with her children. She has explained the concept of adoption to them both, although she wonders if they remain slightly confused about it.

"I don't know if they know that not every one of their friends is adopted. My son says, 'So then the lady has the baby in her belly,' and then I [say], 'And when the baby comes out, she gives the baby to the mommy,'" she laughed.

"I'm thinking I'm going to wait [to tell them] the fact that some ladies keep their babies for their own...We will get to that."

Edie says she has a strong bond with both Anderson and Macy. She doesn't believe her feelings are any different than if they were her maternal kids.

"The second you are handed a newborn, it is yours. It doesn't matter what body it came out of. I've never felt more strongly about anything in my life," she added.
