Fashion Weeks A Dime A Dozen Spoilt The Fun?

24th December 2010

December 24, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Fashion weeks in India till a few years ago were quite a novelty and to attend such an event was considered quite an opportunity with all fashion followers waiting to catch a glimpse of the wonderful extravaganza on stage.

But times have changed and so has the fashion scene in India. With almost everyone and anyone opting to become a fashion designer there are very local fashion designers that are showcasing their collections at almost every city that makes its name on the hot and happening cities of India.

Earlier as reports suggest there were only a handful of fashion shows held like the big names WIFW, FDCI, LFW etc. most of these shows had Mumbai and Delhi as the fashion hub and buyers from all over the country would flock to these places for buying in bulk.

But as fashion is becoming a household name at almost every city like Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bangalore, hosting their fashion weeks which makes the local buyers opt for their own city shows to collect their stock rather than go to other cities.

With so many fashion weeks being held it seems like they are coming at a dime a dozen and therefore such events are fast losing the original charm of having lavish fashion shows. The earlier fashion events were platforms where there was exclusivity of garments, designs, colors where certain color specific themes were the rule, but modern times have certainly lost the old world charm of the Fashion Week Syndrome!

-- Niky Sharma / Sampurn Wire
