Happy Birthday Jack Nicholson

22nd April 2012

He has 12 Oscar nominations in hand which makes him the second most nominated actor of all time, behind Meryl Streep. He is best known for his dark portrayals of neurotic character.  Yes, we are talking about the ace actor Jack Nicholson and guess what! It’s his birthday today. 

Abandoned by his father in his childhood, he was raised believing his grandmother was his mother and his mother was his older sister. The truth was revealed to him years later in 1974 when a Time magazine journalist uncovered the truth while preparing a story on the star.

The actor who was born on 22 April 1937 turns a year older and the academy award winner is still one of the most sort-after actors in Hollywood.

Out of the great number of movies he has done, Jack Nicholson claims his personal favourite performances in his works in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975), Batman (1989), Hoffa (1992) and As Good as It Gets (1997).

He won the Academy Award for Best Actor twice for his acts in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and As Good As It Gets. He also has several BAFTAs, Golden Globes and other awards in hand. 

FM wishes the iconic actor, Jack Nicholson, a very happy Birthday.  

Tags: Jack Nicholson, Meryl Streep, Batman, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, As Good As It Gets, Hoffa,