Helen Mirren: British men are sexy

3rd May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Dame Helen Mirren is thrilled there are so many sexy British actors doing well in Hollywood right now.

The 65-year-old actress is glad to see so many of her male compatriots, such as Russell Brand, Robert Pattinson, Henry Cavill and Christian Bale, landing major film roles in the US.

She thinks her fellow countrymen were considered too soppy for big parts in movies in the past, whereas stars such as Russell have proven British men can be strong characters too.

I know, its so exciting! They are sexy and they are kind of butch, she told the British edition of OK! magazine when asked about the rise of British talent in Hollywood.

For such a long time, the Americans just saw Englishmen as these slightly effete sort of wimpy guys.

Now Russell has changed the attitude single-handedly.

Helen is one of the worlds most respected actresses, and also took the time to discuss her prestigious title. In December 2003 the talented star was made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE), and as much as she appreciates the honour, she admits to forgetting about her elevated status.

I completely forget that Im a dame! It was an incredible honour but I got it and then I put it at the bottom of the wardrobe and forgot all about it! she laughed. (C) Cover Media
