Janice Dickinson: I tried to help Winehouse

12th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Janice Dickinson has confirmed she counselled Amy Winehouse about getting sober before she died.

The former supermodel has battled addictions in the past, taking part in television show Celebrity Rehab last year to help her quit sleeping pills.

Amy died in London in July aged 27. She had a high-profile problem with drugs and alcohol, although no illegal substances were in her system when she passed away. She had drunk some alcohol, which her father Mitch insists she was in the process of giving up.

There have been reports Amy asked Janice for advice prior to her death, which Janie has confirmed are accurate.

"I'm confirming and it's absolutely true. She reached out to me, I spoke to her she wanted to get sober," Janice told the Kyle and Jackie O radio show.

Amy spent five days in rehab in May, to help her prepare for a series of shows. The planned tour didn't go well, with the star eventually pulling out after a disastrous show in Belgrade where she was booed off stage.

At the time it was reported Amy was drinking too much but wasn't taking any illegal drugs, but Janice has alleged that was untrue.

"She was calling before she went into rehab and I begged her to detox because she was on, and they're going to uncover this, she was taking ecstasy, cocaine, ketamine and alcohol," Janice claimed. "Once you get out of a rehab you're clean. So she went back to taking the same amount of drugs she was taking before she went into rehab which is really, really lethal. Mixing alcohol with drugs your upper respiratory system stops working, you stop breathing."

However, doubt has been cast on Janice's story by Amy's on/off boyfriend Reg Traviss. He's insisted Amy had combated her drug addiction a long time ago and her only vice at the time of her death was alcohol.

He admits she used to drink too much, but says she knew she had to change the way she was living.

"Amy had given up drugs long before we were together. I was not part of that. She was drinking. There were times that she would drink excessively for periods," he is quoted as saying by British newspaper The Mirror.

"When she was drinking a lot you would have to calm her down but be sensitive about it. If I was in the house nine times out of ten she would say she'd had a few drinks. But the next day she wouldn't drink."

Reg is understood to have proposed to Amy shortly before she died. He's still trying to come to terms with his grief and is now struggling with depression.

"It's almost like the window's dark and you have no real perspective on anything. It's like tunnel vision," he said. (C) Cover Media
