Jennifer Lawrence sets security rules'

23rd March 2012

Jennifer Lawrence has reportedly "laid down ground rules" about how intrusive her new bodyguards can be.

The actress' profile is expected to sky rocket with the release of her movie The Hunger Games, in which she portrays the heroine Katniss Everdeen.

The film is based on the books by Suzanne Collins and sees girls and boys fight to the death on TV.

The novels are incredibly popular and it's thought The Hunger Games might surpass the Twilight franchise in box office success.

Jennifer has reportedly agreed to be looked after by minders after fears for her safety due to the movie's popularity.

"[She has] laid down the ground rules for just how intrusive the bodyguards can or cannot get," a source told Chicago Sun-Times.

The 21-year-old actress is adamant fame won't change her, although she has admitted there are certain aspects of it she's not that keen on.

Jennifer loves meeting fans and hearing about how she has inspired them, but sometimes finds the paparazzi are intrusive. She recently joked she attracts a certain type of photographer who seem determined to catch her at her worst moments.

"I haven't actually had any swarms. I get the creepy ones that hide in the bushes outside my house that I don't see," she laughed. "I don't know how I get to trade them. I'd much rather walk through a wall of people than to like see horrible pictures of me show up that I had no idea were being taken."

Tags: Jennifer Lawrence,