Jeremy Renner: Cruise is a teenager

8th December 2011

Tom Cruise is a "14-year-old boy" in a man's body says co-star Jeremy Renner.

Jeremy stars with Tom in new action movie Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol.

The Hurt Locker star says 49-year-old Tom has the same enthusiasm as a teenager.

"I think what people don't really uTom Cruise is a "14-year-old boy" in a man's body says co-star Jeremy Renner.nderstand is that he is a 14-year-old boy trapped in a man's body. He has the same - I don't want to say naivety - wide-eyed view' of life," he said in an interview with British magazine ShortList. "He's really optimistic about things - almost crazily so."

Jeremy was incredibly impressed with the star's attitude towards his career.

Tom famously performs many of his own stunts and Jeremy was in awe of his dedication to getting the perfect shot.

"He really cares about cinema, about films. It's his life. And that's the thing we have in common," he explained. "This is my first spectacle' movie, so obviously the stunts are a bit bigger and Tom sets the bar for that kind of stuff. I learned a lot from him. He helped me prepare physically. The thing I really took away from him was to treat it like you're a professional athlete. Tom ices up at the end of the day - he sits in a big bath of ice."

In the past Jeremy has been nominated for Academy Awards for his performances in The Town and The Hurt Locker.

The actor didn't win either and admits he was relieved not to have to get up on the stage.

"I don't know what it's really like to win any of these things, but I certainly know the joy of being recognised. And I look at it this way too: it saves me the anxiety of having to go up and thank people. That speech would freak me out, so I just get to have fun. At the Academy Awards I was just at the bar," he laughed.

Tags: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner,