John Travolta triumphs in sex book suit

28th September 2012

John Travolta is a victorious defendant in a lawsuit filed against him for defamation.

Robert Randolph, who wrote the book You'll Never Spa in This Town Again, took John and his attorney Marty Singer to court months ago for an unspecified amount of damages.

Robert said that he personally witnessed John performing gay sexual acts with men at spas and these events are recounted in You'll Never Spa in This Town Again.

In his case against the pair, Robert alleged that John and Marty "falsely claimed Randolph had mental issues and spent time in a mental institution" in a letter to press.

TMZ reports that the judge dismissed the case, stating that the First Amendment protects John and Marty's right to free speech. The pair cannot be sued in this case for composing a letter.

Robert claimed that these accusations about his mental health made it difficult for the author to sell the book, as retailers were hesitant about stocking it.

Tags: John Travolta,