Josh Duhamel: Fergie is competitive

16th April 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Josh Duhamel has revealed wife Fergie loves nothing more than a little rivalry at the gym.

The pair who married in early 2009 after a five year relationship like to keep the spark alive by motivating each others workouts.

Josh, 38, has revealed that Fergie, who is renowned for her gorgeous curves and toned physique, sometimes takes the competition a little too far.

"She's definitely more competitive than [I am]. But it's all in fun, he told People."She's likely to say, 'Let's do one more mile,' and every time she finishes a workout she says, 'The glory is mine!' meaning she actually got up and did it."

The actor says that their joint exercise trips help to keep their marriage on track, because they are spending time together. Josh has revealed that their motivation in the gym resonates throughout the rest of their relationship.

"We motivate each other. She pushes me, and I push her," he explained. "It's something that we've always done for each other, whether it's working out or in our life together. We're compatible in that way."

The American star says that hes realised exercising should be about maintaining health, not the aesthetic rewards. He has revealed that his diet pit-fall is fast food restaurant McDonalds, but insists that he only eats his food vice in moderation.

"As I get older, I'm finding out it's not about getting all buffed up and looking good. It's more about staying healthy and flexible and trying to stay athletic, he said. "I'm happy to eat fast food, like McDonald's. Come on, who doesn't eat it? It's all about moderation, and I don't eat it all the time. But it's definitely a guilty pleasure of mine." (C) Cover Media
