Josh Hutcherson no internet fan

3rd February 2012

Josh Hutcherson avoided online hype surrounding The Hunger Games, joking he "doesn't do the internets".

The actor is starring as Peeta in the post-apocalyptic drama, alongside Jennifer Lawrence. The film takes place in a North American country where children are chosen to fight to the death.

The film is based on the best-selling novel by Suzanne Collins and has been hotly-anticipated since the project was announced.

Josh and Jennifer chose to ignore such hype.

"I got a Facebook, like, three days ago. I don't do the internets," Josh joked in an interview with MTV News. "I had friends tell me what people were saying online; I just personally don't go on there that much.

"It was crazy. It had so much build up for something I've done so many times before. Every other time it's been, 'Oh, another movie.' This time, it had so much going on before the production even started. I felt it but don't feel like it affected me that much."

Co-star Jennifer agreed. The star who plays Katniss in the movie agreed to feeling pressure initially, but revealed the intense filming schedule soon eradicated any trace of nerves.

"I, for one, felt it at the beginning, and then when we showed up on set, it was just making a movie, putting it aside," she said.

The stars have discussed their favourite scenes to shoot. White Josh highlighted a pivotal point in the film, Jennifer joked she never knew what they were filming.

"I was excited for the cave scene the most, for me at least, because it's the most character-driven part of the story where you really saw Katniss and Peeta's relationship take a big turn and come to fruition, if you will," Josh revealed, before Jennifer added: "Whoa. 'Fruition.' I didn't know what scenes we were doing until the day I showed up," she laughed.

"But there were a couple of scenes where I'd read the call sheet and go, 'Oh, that's going to be a fun scene.'"

Tags: Josh Hutcherson,