Kanye West Sympathizes With George Bush

6th November 2010


November 6, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):Kanye West is definitely empathizing with George Bush, the erstwhile President who had been accused of racism in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. West was speaking to the Houston station KBXX-FM and pointed out that he can understand what Bush had to go through after being accused of not caring for the black people of his country.

West described the entire episode as the lowest point in Bushs presidential career and drew similarities between that particular accusation and the one where he had been castigated for interrupting Taylor Swift. He went on to draw parallels referring to the episodes while concluding that the people of America, apparently, did not feel any compassion for the white men in either of the situations. He further elaborated saying that the people felt that the President ought to leave everything and rush down to New Orleans while for him it had been the cardinal offense of cutting someone off prematurely. West disclosed that he could connect to the Ex-President now that too on humanitarian grounds.

Decision Points, the memoirs of the President still relates to the facts as being disgusting. Perhaps, the Ex-President should try to make amends by reaching out for the olive branch that is being proffered by West now.

--Sampurn Wire



Tags: Kanye West,