Lady Gaga Has A New Boyfriend - A Ghost!

6th November 2010

Lady Gaga always manages to grab the headlines with her outrageous behavior, but it seems that someone from the other world has caught up with her. The Poker Face hit maker recently informed the media that she is being followed around by a ghost. It seems that the apparitions like her music and outlandish sense of style as well!

Lady Gaga further clarified that the ghosts name is Ryan and he has constantly terrified her with his presence. Lady Gaga has been complaining about his male companion from the other world. She has informed her friends that Ryan has not done anything scary till now but she does not like him staying around her all the time.

The singer is much freaked out and wants to do away with her ghost boyfriend altogether but Ryan follows her around wherever she goes. An insider said that although Lady Gaga is in tune with her spiritual side it seems that the presence of ghost is a bit too shocking even by her standards.

Very little is known about Ryan the ghost and why he has chosen Lady Gaga as his victim. The pop singer even held a sance in her home to drive off the annoying spirit. The singer asked her friends to take part in the sance. Lady Gaga is very afraid of this omnipresent apparition and asked him to leave her life during the sance at Belfast Ireland. Lets hope that Lady Gaga and her ghost boyfriend have a clean breakup.
