Katie Holmes parents happy to have her back

30th June 2012

Katie Holmes parents are said to be "sad" about her split from Tom Cruise but are relieved for their daughter's sake.

Martin and Kathleen Holmes know it will be a challenging time for their youngest child but are happy to have the "old Katie" back again.

RadarOnline claims that the couple has mixed emotions about the high-profile breakup.

"Obviously, Martin and Kathleen are sad that Katie is having to go through all this emotional turmoil and that she is going to be a single parent," the insider said.

"But it's not like she is going to have to go it alone and she certainly won't have any financial hardship to worry about."

"Both Martin and Kathleen had very strong reservations about Katie marrying Tom, but she was an adult and they obviously couldn't stop her from following her heart.

"It's been tough for them over the past five years to watch Katie be controlled by Tom and they really felt that they had lost their daughter to some extent.

"So that's the one bright side to the divorce they feel like they're getting the old Katie back again, the strong, independent willful Katie that had all but disappeared since marrying Tom."

Tags: Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes,