Kelly Osbourne to have surgery

10th December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kelly Osbourne has revealed she must undergo surgery on a longstanding foot complaint.

The television star will have the operation, which will take a month to recover from, after previously complaining of intense pain in her feet.

Last year, the 26-year-old competed in US television show Dancing with the Stars, resulting in further discomfort and an admission that surgery was essential.

"[Doctors] have to break bones in my feet and reset them. I've put it off because I've not been ready to not walk for a month. It was going to happen but Dancing with the Stars kicked it up about 10 years, she told E! News.

Tempering the revelations, Kelly went on to express her delight at finally signing a deal to design her own clothing range. The reality star confirmed she plans to design items that are easily accessible for all.

"Ive had an offer from an amazing clothing line that I would be so over the moon to work with them. I can't say which one just yet, but it's looking really good. It's important to me not to make clothes which I call 'untouchable' clothing," she explained. "I don't want it to be clothes that only rich people could buy. (C) Cover Media
