Kevin McHale addresses gay teen suicide

1st September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kevin McHale has joined forces with a suicide prevention organisation in an effort to eradicate gay youth suicide.

The Glee star has teamed up with non-profit The Trevor Project on a public service announcement addressing LGBT youths contemplating suicide.

The powerful project launched a Talk to Me campaign with Kevin's empowering message.

"Talk to me, it's what you say to someone to let them know you're there," Kevin said in the video. "Just three simple words. But saying them out loud could help save a life."

The campaign is on a mission to get young gay teens to talk about whatever despair they may be going through. An open discussion about LGBT issues offers a shoulder of support to troubled youths who may feel they have no one to speak to.

"Sure, it's easier to text, poke, like, or chat," the campaign's website read. "But when you talk to someone you get a sense of how they're really feeling. You'll show that you care enough to listen."

Kevin's public service announcement was made in line with the United States' National Suicide Prevention Week, which will be held September 4 through September 10.

Glee stars have previously worked with The Trevor Project. Max Adler created It Gets Better videos for the organisation and Darren Criss sung Teenage Dream with Katy Perry at the Trevor Live fundraising event in Los Angeles last December. (C) Cover Media
