Kim Cattrall: I want strong female roles

1st July 2011

(Cover) - EN Movies - Kim Cattrall always sticks to her feminist principles when choosing film roles.

The 54-year-old actress is best known for playing man-eater Samantha Jones in hugely successful television series Sex and the City and its two spin-off movies.

The star, who impressed critics with her role playing political aid Amelia Bly in 2010 thriller The Ghost, selects film roles carefully as she likes to make sure they present women in a strong light.

"I have just been offered a role in a big movie with a director that I've worked with before and I just couldn't do it, because I felt ultimately, as flattered as I was to do this big European film, I couldn't do it because of the way it portrayed women," she told British newspaper The Independent.

"I wouldn't have done that ten years ago, or even five years ago."

Kim also reflected on how her biggest career achievements came later in life. She believes the future has plenty more exciting opportunities for her, although she isn't sure that they will be within the mainstream world of movies.

"I've always felt that I'm a character actress in a leading lady's body. I think that is why my big success has come later on in life and I think that the next 30 years of my life, if I keep on working, are going to be the most exciting, because I'm a bungee-jumper actress, I don't play it safe, and I'm not interested in playing it safe and that is why I think that Hollywood is not in my future," she added. (C) Cover Media
