Kirstie Alley desires deep' love affair

23rd September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kirstie Alley finds no "merit" in frivolous love affairs.

The 60-year-old actress is single and has just dropped 100 lbs. After achieving her weight loss goals, Kirstie is ready to mingle on the dating scene. She is not interested in flighty love affairs though as she craves something more serious.

"The easiest thing on this planet is to [find sex], but I don't see the merit in that," Kirstie told People magazine. "What I'm looking for is someone who loves me deeply and is madly in love with me, for me."

Kristie has been married and divorced twice in the past. Although her previous relationships weren't ideal, Kirstie will not allow negativity to tarnish her quest for new love. She owns her past mistakes and is not planning on committing them in the future.

"I think when you get into the mind-set of, 'Oh, this guy did this to me,' you aren't taking responsibility," Kirstie explained. "In the final hour, it's actually what you did to you."

Kirstie is certain that she will find the perfect partner. The actress is seeking a relationship with copious love, devotion and support.

"Certainly. For me, it's all about love," Kirstie said. "I wasn't looking for the right thing before I want someone who has my back. And if I'm being attacked, they fricking attack back. Now, that's bravery." (C) Cover Media
