Lady Gaga befriends philosopher'

20th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lady Gaga has reportedly struck up a friendship with Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek.

The pop star is said to have spent a lot of time with the 62-year-old postmodern theorist while she was touring the UK and US earlier this year.

The 25-year-old music icon is believed to have discussed "feminism" and "collective human creativity" with the man branded the world's hippest philosopher'.

"There is a certain performance of theory in her costumes, videos and even (some of) her music," Zizek wrote in a blog post titled Communism Knows No Monster'.

He also called Gaga "my good friend" and claimed that the singer's infamous meat dress is a reference to "the consistent linking in the oppressive imaginary of the patriarchy of the female body and meat, of animality and the feminine."

Following the news of her split from boyfriend Luc Carl earlier this year, Gaga's friendship with the intellectual has raised a few eyebrows.

"The only thing I share with her is the support for the strike," Zizek told the New York Post.

Gaga's spokesperson has refused to comment on the nature of their relationship. (C) Cover Media
