Lady Gaga: I'm so happy

8th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lady Gaga is extremely "happy" with her personal life at the moment.

The 25-year-old singer has reportedly been in a love triangle of late with longtime lover Luc Carl and new beau Taylor Kinney.

As complicated as Lady Gaga's romantic life may be at the moment, the singer is content with it.

"You know I don't talk about my love life but I'm very happy," Lady Gaga told host Jonathan Ross during her interview on his talk show this weekend.

Gaga dated bartender Luc Carl on and off for several years. Their first highly-publicised split occurred when she achieved stardom following the success of her debut album The Fame in 2008. Last year, it widely rumoured that they were back together.

It was recently reported that Luc has never been totally out of the picture. However, Gaga has been dating The Vampire Diaries star Taylor Kinney, 30, recently.

Lady Gaga is not happy enough to start procreating anytime soon though. The singer will save motherhood for a later date.

"I'm a maternal person but I'm not feeling the urge to be pregnant. Some day I will but not now," Lady Gaga said. "Oh my gosh, the fans would kill me. I'm just not ready. I really want to make at least 10 more albums before I do something like that."

In the meantime, Lady Gaga is happy to pour her maternal instincts into pampering her godchild, Elton John's son Zachary.

"Zachary's so beautiful. I could not see a happier family than I see in them. I gave him a bath the other day. It's so very sweet," the singer gushed.

"It's so funny because we have this sweet little boat for pouring water to rinse soap off Zachary and as I'm pouring, Elton is singing Tiny Dancer and I'm thinking, this kid has no clue that his father is such a legend'."

The singer's full interview airs on the Jonathan Ross Show in the UK Saturday. (C) Cover Media
