Lindsay Lohan: I'm serious about probation

17th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan is apparently serious about completing the terms of her probation.

The 25-year-old star is due back in front of Los Angeles Judge Stephanie Sautner on Wednesday for a probation hearing stemming.

This stems from her no contest plea in her case about the theft of a $2,500 necklace earlier this year.

Last week the star was discharged from the Downtown Women's Center after she reportedly failed to turn up on several occasions to complete her community service.

But her representative Steve Honig told RadarOnline that Lindsay is very serious about completing the terms of her probation and has been working hard this past week to fulfil her obligations.

"Lindsay performed community service every single day this past week at the Red Cross, and has been spending the bulk of the weekend fulfilling her therapy and shoplifter's course requirements," Honig said.

"She is extremely focused on her court-ordered obligations."

Judge Sautner required Lindsay to spend 360 hours at Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles and another 100 at a city morgue.

She apparently wanted Lindsay to spend time at the shelter so she could experience being around women that had fallen on hard times.

The judge could order Lindsay to stop her scheduled time at the Red Cross and instead go back to doing her community service with an organisation that deals with homelessness.

The starlet has completed 60 of her hours so far and has until May 2012 to fulfil the rest of the time.

"Lindsay is really starting to rack up the hours now and is extremely serious about getting this done," and insider told the site about the starlet's looming court date.

Judge Sautner will determine if Lindsay is in violation of her probation and send her to jail or if the Mean Girls star is in compliance with the court's orders. (C) Cover Media
