Lindsay Lohan leaves women's shelter post

14th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan has left her community service post at a Los Angeles women's shelter.

Lindsey was assigned to perform 360 hours of community service at Downtown Women's Center as part of her sentence on a theft charge. The shelter terminated the star from the volunteer programme as they were dissatisfied with her work.

"Lindsay is going to blame this on the paparazzi, again, like she always does. Her excuse to staffers at DWC was that she was being hounded by the press, and just couldn't make it out of the car, and into the building," a source told RadarOnline. "Yes, there were photographers around when she did show up, but it wasn't intrusive, and didn't impede upon anyone's ability to manoeuvre in or out of the building."

Resultant from Lindsay's no contest plea to misdemeanour theft of a $2,500 necklace, Judge Stephanie Sautner sentenced the star to perform 460 hours of community service. Judge Sautner was adamant about the actress completing 360 of those hours at the shelter and 100 more minimum at a Los Angeles city morgue.

Lindsay reportedly showed up to Downtown Women's Center irregularly. At times the actress was late and she was frequently a no-show, it's been claimed. When Lindsay did attend, the actress apparently often skipped off after an hour. She has completed 60 of her 460 total hours.

Lindsay is scheduled to appear in court regarding her probation next Wednesday October 19. Judge Sautner is unlikely to jail Lindsay, but she will not be happy about the matter.

"Lindsay has until mid-summer 2012 to complete the 460 hours. Judge Sautner is most likely going to be extremely upset that Lindsay has been kicked out of the DWC," the source explained. "It's anticipated that Sautner will again issue stern warnings, and tell her no excuses will be accepted."

Lindsay has been reassigned to volunteer at the Red Cross by the Los Angeles County Probation Department. (C) Cover Media
