Lindsay Lohan sentenced

2nd November 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan has been sentenced to 30 days in jail.

The 25-year-old actress appeared before Judge Stephanie Sautner in a Los Angeles court today where she admitted to violating the terms of her probation.

Lindsay will be ordered to report to jail on November 9 to start her term and will not be allowed to spend any of her time on house arrest.

When she is released she will be on a very strict regime to complete her probation as set out by Judge Sautner.

The Judge said she was "putting the keys to the jail" in Lindsay's hands and told the actress that with 300 days of jail time on the table for her crimes, she could either complete that time or do her sentence and probation as set out by the judge.

Lindsay agreed to the Judge's suggestion and will be spending a lot of hours undertaking her court-ordered duties.

By December 14, Lindsay must complete 12 days at the Los Angeles county morgue and do four psychotherapy sessions at 45 minutes each.

By January 17, she must complete another 12 days at the morgue, which are eight hours a day, and attend four psychotherapy sessions.

By mid February she has to perform 12 days of community service and four psychotherapy sessions.

And by March 29 she has to have racked up 17 days morgue duty and six psychotherapy sessions.

If Lindsay adheres to everything as set out by the court today then her legal worries will be behind her.

However, if she messes up on one thing then she will then have to serve out the remaining 270 days behind bars.

Judge Sautner said that Lindsay needed a rigid structure but that she was now in control of her freedom.

Although the Downtown Women's Center, where Lindsay had cancelled scheduled appointments leaving her to be in violation of her probation, agreed to have her back, the judge said she did not want to put them through that again.

Another women's centre approached said they did not want Lindsay as they thought she set a bad example for the women trying to get their lives back on track.

But the Mean Girls star may spend just six days in jail serving 20% of the 30 days, TMZ is reporting because of jail overcrowding.

Lindsay was heard saying, "Thank God," under her breath at the end of the session and a source in the courtroom told the site that Judge Sautner said Lindsay "looks good today."

The actress was also told to stop tweeting about her experience at the Los Angeles County Morgue where she has been scrubbing floors, cleaning toilets and clearing up after autopsies have been performed.

The judge acknowledged that if Lindsay completed her sessions early then her legal woes could be over even before her March deadline. (C) Cover Media
