Matt Damon: I long for a good sleep

21st October 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Matt Damon cant remember the last time he got a good nights sleep.

The 40-year-old actor is constantly kept on his toes, juggling his successful film career with his home life. Matt and his wife Luciana Bozn Barroso raise three girls and the couple are currently expecting another daughter in a matter of weeks.

The star insists he wouldnt change his life for anything, but admits he sometimes longs for a few hours of uninterrupted slumber.

"God, I don't even remember. It's a blur. You're up, you're awake, you're changing diapers. You're never sleeping," he said in an interview with USA Today. It's the greatest, though. You never love anybody as much as you love your kid, in the deepest, most abiding way.

"Having kids everything, everything changes. Everything gets deeper. You want as much time as you can have with that little soul."

Matt strives to lead a normal life and is rarely seen at high-profile showbiz parties. He admits he feels lucky not to be as famous as his close friend Brad Pitt and says his wife cant understand peoples obsession with celebrities.

The hunk is happy to spend time at home when he isnt working and has made friends with many of his neighbours.

"She thinks it's a little silly, Matt confessed when asked what Lucia thinks of his fame. We don't relate to each other on that level at all. We have a great life in New York, a really normal life. The more normal we feel, the more normal people treat us.

"We feel like a part of the community. That's what we want. That's how we've always been. We both grew up with working moms." (C) Cover Media
