Alec Baldwin supports gay marriage

21st October 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Alec Baldwin has made an internet video pleading for the right to marry Jesse Tyler Ferguson.

The 52-year-old movie star posted the message on video-sharing site YouTube in response to a clip actor Jesse had made back in the summer professing his love for Alec.

In the spoof video Alec appeals to homophobic people and the New York State Senate, who last year rejected a bill that would have allowed same-sex couples to wed.

As a result of [Jesse's video], a vast and malicious whisper campaign has emerged, alleging that I cant marry Jesse because Im not gay. I hear people saying this behind my back on a daily basis, Alec declared.

There is one reason and one reason only why I can't marry Jesse in New York next year...The New York State Senate.

I'm going to do something about it, and so should you. Because no one tells a New Yorker that they can't marry Jesse Tyler Ferguson.

Alec and Jesses videos were both made to help raise awareness of the quest to legalise gay marriage in New York State, and were sponsored by, a website dedicated to the cause.

The two actors arent the only stars to be lending support to gay rights. Yesterday a host of famous faces wore purple for Spirit Day, a day of support for homosexuals. Alyssa Milano, Ryan Seacrest and Khloe Kardashian were just some of the stars who recognised Spirit Day. (C) Cover Media
