Michael Douglas: Cancer was wild ride

13th January 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Michael Douglas never once thought of stopping his cancer treatment, even though at times it was too much for him.

The Hollywood star received intense radiation and chemotherapy for stage four cancer after a walnut sized tumour was discovered in his throat last year. Earlier this week he announced he believes he has beaten the disease as the lump is now gone, although he will require regular check-ups over the coming months.

Fighting cancer took its toll on the 66-year-old, who dropped around 34lbs. during treatment. Even though it was hard, Michael insists he never considered quitting.

Oh no. I mean, were there days where like, you were shaking your head? But no, because you knew there was no reason to begin it unless you're gonna complete it, he explained.

Michaels family also found his battle difficult, with his wife Catherine Zeta-Jones bursting into tears when he told her his tumour had gone. The couple have children Dylan, ten, and Carys, seven, and Michael worries about how it affected them.

As his physical appearance changed so dramatically there was speculation he might be losing his fight, and he remains upset that his kids were exposed to it.

I didn't [see it]. Unfortunately one time my ten-year-old son was in the drug store and happened to be thumbing through and saw a story in an article about my changing the will and my life expectancy, he told ETs Mary Hart.

Michael is still coming to terms with his new diagnosis, and feels lucky to have got his health back. Although he has taken his family out for a meal to celebrate, he insists he wont really let loose for a while.

Gotta check in every month so it'll probably be two or three more months until I'm really clicking my heels, he said. It's been a pretty wild six-month ride. (C) Cover Media
