Natalie to be the next Lois Lane?

29th September 2010

September 29, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): It has been said that the beautiful Natalie Portman might become the next Lois Lane, the love-interest of Superman in the upcoming Superman reboot. The movie is being produced by "Dark Knight" director, Christopher Nolan. The movie is supposedly to be directed by Darren Aronofsky.

Quite naturally, the combination of Darren Aronofsky and Natalie should be exciting news, in all of Hollywood and it is. However, everything is still floating in the air and nothing has been materialized it. Until, the written papers as well as the documents are signed and a press conference is held, nothing in Hollywood should be taken for truth. There is no absolution, until contracts are signed here.

The sources say that the talks have actually moved beyond the suggestion of getting Natalie Portman on-board as Lois. The crew would definitely want to cast her in the Superman reboot. She was seen in the movie V for Vendetta that involved an anarchist hero. The movie was released in 2005, where Natalie sported a clean shaken cranium look. Portman looked and acted really awesome in V for Vendetta, so expectations about her being Lois Lane are rising high. In case, she is the new Lois, her fans as well as Superman buffs would be expecting a lot from this beautiful actress.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: John Cusack, Christopher Nolan, Darren Aronofsky,