New 'Lamb Of God' CD In 2011

7th September 2010

September 7, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): 'Lamb of God', considered as one of the pioneers of the NWOAHM or the New Wave of American Heavy Metal, has been touring since their last album was released in the month of February in 2009. The album was called Wrath and has sold around 200,000 copies in the United States Of America since this August.

The band has recently completed the Rockstar Mayhem Fest and they are yet to hit the sack, so to speak. Nope. The band still has a few venues to wreck on foreign shores.

However, after the completion of this enormous tour - cycle, the band would stop it in the month of December and will soon begin concentrating on writing newer material. We are sure that all the 'Lamb If God' fans from around the world would shed incessant amounts of happy tears after hearing of this news!

Chris Adler, the resident drums deity of the band, said that 'Lamb Of God' guitarist Mark Morton has around seven to eight demos that he has put together on his own. Willie Adler, his brother and the other 'Lamb Of God' guitarist has around three - four demos of his one. Chris says that in February, they plan to combine the newer material and see what comes up.

-- Sampurn Wire
